One thing I'll definitely miss this upcoming year:
powder days in the Colorado Rockies! |
I have been preparing for this trip since January of 2011. Back when there was 2 and a half feet of snow on the ground and when my mind was still on snowboarding and figuring out my computer programming homework, I slowly started filling out paperwork to get my visa in order live in Spain. Since I was planning on being in Spain for over 90 days, I was required by the Spanish embassy to apply for a visa; a process which I never anticipated would take as long as it did! After getting an FBI background check, stamp of approval from the US State Department, and legalization of numerous documents, I finally received my Spanish Visa (basically a sticker that's glued in my passport) in July! Thanks to the help of my mother, DU's study abroad advisors, and the ISA staff, I am all set to live in Spain for the next 8-9 months!
So legally and technically speaking, I'm ready to go. My plane ticket was purchased in March, my home-stay has been arranged, and I will be given a cell phone when I arrive in Madrid, if all goes according to plan.
That doesn't mean I'm not nervous in anticipation of the upcoming weeks to come. Everything will be new and exciting and overwhelming. I'm anticipating a lot of ups and downs as I get used to my new home, new friends, and especially the new language. We'll see how it goes. I suppose it's simply about keeping a positive attitude and open mind as I meet new people and try new things.
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