Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dinner Conversations

My host mom: Owner of the kitchen, master of the home. Gail and I, we're helpless and as she prepares dinner, so we just sit on our wicker stools, waiting to eat.  The kitchen is too small for us to be of any help.  For both of us, this feels so unnatural. That as her "daughter," I don't do any chores or help with any of the meals, feels completely against how I have been raised.

But that's just the way it is here. The mother takes care of everybody and everything in the home. Hey, I'm not complaining; I do not have to do any laundry, worry about cooking my own meals, take out the garbage or walk the dog.  Life's good!

Over dinner, she speaks con fuerza y en una voz alta; very strongly and very loudly. As she tells her husband about her day over a vegetable soup, I can understand most of the words she is saying, but have a hard time putting them together to understand what is being said. He simply nods and occasionally adds a comment here and there.  It is obvious that she is dominating the conversation.

When she speaks to Gail and I, she does so more gently and more slowly. When I don't understand what she says, she will go back and explain it until I understand.  Like tonight, when she explained to me that I should buy an umbrella, because for most of the month of November, it will continue to rain almost everyday. "Yo entiendo," I responded, "Pero, me encanta la lluvia! Otoño es mi mes favorito."

My host dad just laughed; I'm the crazy American girl that loves the rain and cold weather, and I can't wait for snow! He has promised to take me skiing this winter, but my host mom pointed her finger at me and said, "Mentiroso!" Liar.  Then she laughed.

As we finish our soups, she collects our bowls and spoons and brings over the next part of the meal. Tonight it is white fish. Bland, boney, but not bad.  For dessert, fruta o yogur; a clementine for me; yum!  We finish the meal with hot chocolate or a cup of decaf.  It's around 10pm when we finish dinner; my host dad, already in his worn, blue-striped pajamas, goes to bed, as my host mom cleans up and starts preparing the food for the next day.

For dinner tonight: vegetable soup!

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