Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reflections: One week down

One week in, and I can't believe how quickly it's gone by. A week ago I was so overwhelmed by everything I was seeing and everyone I was meeting. It's still overwhelming, but I'm starting to find my place in Salamanca.

I was talking with my friend Mark about it tonight, since we're both going to be here for a year. He put it perfectly when he said we just need to take it one day at a time.  To try to imagine everything we're going to experience is too much.  For now, it's best just to take this new life one day at a time!


Here are some reflections on my first week in:

*The best thing that's happened to me this week: the friends I'm making.  For the most part, all this ISA kids I've met are very friendly and fun to be with.  We've already had some fun times, and I'm so excited for all the trips we're going to take and all the memories we're going to make!

*The worst thing about this week: The food. My body needs to get used to the different ingredients and foods that are here.  I think it will come with time.  I don't consider myself a picky eater or high maintenance, but I've been finding myself skimping on meals because I just can't force it down!  It's generally so oily and gives my a tummy ache.  Good thing there's a pastelería right down the street....

*Biggest surprise of the week: Everyone was right about the nightlife here. They weren't kidding when they said that people stay out until the sun comes up. And it's not just the young college kids; there's all sorts of people staying up dancing, socializing, and hanging out at the bars.

*Biggest disappointment of the week: I'm not speaking as much Spanish as I had hoped. I want to make more of an effort to meet Spaniards and distance myself from the Americans.  Can't be too hard on myself, though; it's only been one week!


So after dinner, I went to the Plaza Mayor to take some photos and write in my journal, and I bumped into some of my American friends.   We got drinks at a cafe and tried to play cards, but the waiter told us it wasn't allowed! Whoops.  In a few weeks hopefully we'll get this whole European thing down. I'm sick of looking like such an American! Here are some of the shots I got tonight at the Plaza:

The clock:
The moon:

I read a great quote today: "What we seek, we shall find." I'm excited to figure out what my time in Spain brings me. 

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