Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oh, brother

It happened again. That horrible, terribly annoying feeling that comes and goes, like an uncontrollable mood swing: Homesickness.

It is one of those feelings that I KNOW is going to pass, but there is nothing I can do but wait it out.  That, and talk to friends about it and seek comfort in food and shopping. Except that I'm on a really tight budget now, so shopping is no longer an option.  *sigh*

I think this is what sparked it: I LOVED visiting the Netherlands last weekend.  So after getting back from Amsterdam, everything about Salamanca and Spain just bothered me.  Why, I do not know, because this is how it has been all along. But for whatever reason, it all hit me suddenly:  The food is all so b l a n d; my apartment is TEENY-tiny; I walk sooo much everyday just to get to and from class; it's not warm yet, but it's no longer winter; I haven't driven a car in 6 months; my classes are incredibly boring and not stimulating; I MISS MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!

I kept telling myself, 53 more days, 52 more days. 7 weeks to go, and it will be over in the blink of an eye.  What else can you tell yourself?  I hate counting down, but that was all I could think about.

This afternoon I got out of the most booooring class of all time and met up with friends in the plaza.  The sunny, sunny plaza, full of people and activity....but instead of making me happy, it bothered me it was so crowded.  Leaving the plaza to go to the river, I was telling a friend about how much I missed my home, and he said "whaddya mean? We are your family! This is your home!"  And that made me feel so much happier.  Lying out in the grass in the afternoon sun alongside the river while snacking on candy and chips: getting better.  Do good things happen in three's? Why, yes.  Because then a friend brought his friends fat, cuddly, grey cat down to the river, and I snuggled with the cat while sharing a bag of spicy Doritos with a friend.  Bliss.

Sad to leave, I had to pull myself away to go back to the plaza to meet with ISA. They offered to take us to see "Hugo" in theaters, and I hadn't seen a movie since my trip to London in December, so how could I say no?  A few girlfriends and I bought a box of popcorn, and as I slid on my black plastic 3D glasses, snuggled into the cushy seat as the lights dimmed, I knew I was going to be okay.

HOMESICKNESS OVERCOME.  Goodbye, see ya later.  I only have 7 weeks left, and there is still SO MUCH I would like to do in this awesome city/country/continent!

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